
Sundance Elixir

Red Clover
Trifolium pratense
Sacred Medicine Sanctuary has reproduced a
version of the famous Hoxsey Elixirex. The formula is a variation
of the many similar ones I discovered while researching my
book. It is hence "my own" but I am quick to point
out that it is purely derivative, i.e., based entirely on historic
sources. Even the adjustments I made were more or less historic,
for instance, we are using Oregon grape root in our formula
instead of barberry root. These plants are used for their berberine
content and are quite comparable.In vitro studies indicate
that berberine fights cancer by increasing macrophage activity.
In plain language, this means that it stimulates the immune
system to defend the host from the rampage of malignant cells.
Berberine is so skilled in this action that when scientifically
compared to chemotherapy, the kill rate was 91% for berberine
as compared to 43% for chemotherapeutic drugs. . . in vitro.
In China, berberine is given after chemotherapy to aid restoration
of white blood cell counts.Berberine is a superb natural antibiotic
that can cross the blood-brain barrier. It is effective against
a wide range of pathogens such as E. coli, staphylococcus,
streptococcus, cholera, and even amoebic infections.
I personally think it is a more critical constituent
of the formula than red clover, but we named our product following
Eclectic usage.
My own version of the traditional
red clover combination tonic used by Hoxsey and others
in conjunction with cancer treatments. This is available
through licensed health care practitioners. |
We make a number of variations of this tonic.
We make the above shown Trifolium Compound using the steam
displacement stipulated by Eli G. Jones, M.D., as the only
correct way to make his Compound Syrup Scrophularia. As such,
the process is clearly superior to that used by Hoxsey even
though the formula is comparable. This Trifolium Compound is
made both as a syrup and as an extract (without honey). We
also make a glycerite
product developed for veterinary use but suitable for people
who do not want to take anything with alcohol.When we first
launched these products, we frankly did not know what to expect.
Everyone has to keep in mind that we are just re-creating products
based on claims for their efficacy made by historic persons
who can no longer speak for themselves. Now, however, some
years have passed, and we have had some feedback. Most people
express almost immediate relief for conditions attributed to
toxicity: grogginess, malaise, irritability. They feel better
and more optimistic when acuity is restored. Many also report
that they found they were more efficient in eliminating morbid
substances in their bodies. This feedback is consistent with
blood detoxifying and eliminatory herbal actions.The herbs
in this product are some of the most extensively researched
herbs in history. The Office of Technology Assessment report
commissioned by the U.S. Congress and written by medical historian
Patricia Spain Ward (University of Illinois) states the following:
More recent literature leaves no doubt
that Hoxsey's formula, however strangely concocted by modern
scientific standards, does indeed contain many plant substances
of marked therapeutic activity. In fact, orthodox scientific
research has by now identified antitumor activity of one
sort or another in all but three of Hoxsey's plants and two
of these three are purgatives, one of them (Rhamnus purshiana)
containing the anthraquinone glycoside structure now recognized
as predictive of antitumor properties (Kupchan, 1976). Between
1964 and 1968 four articles appeared in Lancet, Pediatrics,
and Nature, describing the mitogenic activity of pokeweed,
which triggers the immune system by increasing the number
of lymphocytes, causing the formation of plasma cells, and
elevating levels of immunoglobulin G (Farnes, 1964; Barker,
1965; Barker, 1966; Downing, 1968).
For the rest of the text of Ward's report,
click on our reprint from
The Ingredients
As noted, our formula gets its name from the
red clover blossoms that were regarded by Eclectic physicians
as blood purifying and lymph stimulating. Besides red clover,
the tonic contains Oregon grape root, poke root, sarsaparilla,
stillingia, buckthorn, burdock, cascara sagrada, prickly ash
berry, licorice, and Irish moss. It is prepared with distilled
spring water using a steam displacement process. The glycerite
version has astragalus added and is alcohol-free.

In Hoxsey's day, patients paid a one-time
fee for a lifetime supply of the tonic. They were shipped
one bottle a month and many enjoyed decades of support for
their health as a result of their contract with Harry Hoxsey.
Today, many patients are given the tonic
for half a year before any use of the salves or pastes. They
continue on the tonic, at lesser dosages for at least five
years. Many take the tonic throughout their entire lives.
Hoxsey advised patients that initially, they are likely to
eliminate black, tarry substances. No patient has reported
such an experience to me, but the Hoxsey formula contains
an extraordinary amount of potassium iodide, something not
found in our formula though we added Irish moss for this
Hoxsey prescribed one teaspoon 3-4 times
a day. Given that it is impossible to compare an essentially
chemical product with an herbal one, we suggest starting
with lower dosages and adjusting to individual comfort zones.
It is probable that a tablespoon 3-4 times a day would give
better results.

Much of the material on this site is historic or ethnobotanical in origin. The information presented is not intended to replace the services of a qualified health care professional. All products discussed on this site are best used under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.
We encourage patients and their friends and family to avail themselves of the information found on the Internet and to share their discoveries with their primary care practitioners. If there are questions about the suitability of a product or strategy, please have your practitioner contact the web hostess.
We are interested in feedback, clinical data, suggestions, and proposals for research and product development. While we naturally hope for the happiest outcome in all situations, the authors of this web site, webmaster, server, publishers, and Sacred Medicine Sanctuary are not responsible for the success, failure, side effects, or outcome of the use of any of the information or healing strategies described on this site.
Sacred Medicine Sanctuary
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2000, 2001, 2005