Though I am not a medical doctor,
I have studied many approaches to healing that are rarely
taught in medical schools, schools that are often as not
funded by corporate giants who tend to denigrate anything
they cannot patent.

I don't know whether or not herbs can
be patented. When I read of rain forest shamans journeying
to Washington, D.C. to protest legislation that would give
a pharmaceutical company proprietary interests in an herb,
I am both dismayed and excited. I am upset that someone representing
a tradition as foreign as traditional or indigenous medicine
should have to lock horns with bureaucrats, and I am thrilled
that the trek is getting some media coverage.
There cannot be anything more offensive
than greed operating at the expense of health and well-being.
This has to be the most anti-humanitarian, heartless, soul
tormenting evil imaginable. To deny anyone a humane solution
to their life and death issues is unconscionable . . . and
it would be just as unconscionable to purport to have a cure
when one is merely a passionate proponent of a particular
modality that is worthless.
The issues of who knows best are not
new. I found them in 17th century writings that resemble
the AMA vs. Hoxsey propaganda of the 20th century. Though
I confess to having read dozens of books exposing the ulterior
motives of those who attempt to suppress alternative treatments,
I do not regard it as my function to restate what can be
found in those books. All I wish to say is that because someone
has refused to investigate a method does not mean that the
method is without merit. It just means it hasn't been rigorously
investigated by anyone willing to spend the money . . . and
the reason the money will not be allocated to these studies
is that, in all probability, the products that are used are
not unique enough to be awarded a patent.
Cancer: Historic
and Modern
As I write today, I'm 59 years old with
no possibility ever of retiring, and I have no heirs except
those people who might benefit by my efforts. I am convinced
that many of the people whose work I studied were actually
curing cancer or at least treating it successfully. Because
it has been fashionable to regard cancer as incurable, these
people were sometimes ridiculed and reviled by their peers
and, often as not, celebrated by their patients. However, Hildegard
of Bingen was not such a person. She was consulted by
popes and royalty as well as common people.
A few of those whose work I probed were
so outstanding in one way or another that I was motivated
to attempt to replicate their formulas. When this page was
first posted some years ago, I spoke ever so tentatively
about how we don't really know enough to estimate the worth
of the products in today's world. I said this because I share
the belief held by many others that cancer is actually many
diseases and that a disease caused by mutation may change
from one generation to the next. Moreover, as a sort of amateur
anthropologist, I have held forth the possibility (1) that
what was called cancer in the 12th century may not be what
we today call cancer, (2) that the stressors affecting disease
have shifted somewhat from predominantly biological to chemical
and electromagnetic carcinogens, and finally (3) that diets
in earlier times were 100% natural and organic whereas today,
it is a rare person who can claim to eat completely wholesome
food and then to prepare that food without the risks of microwaves and
perhaps even electric heat.
This said, I believe I erred on the
part of caution, only to obstruct not only my own confidence
but that of patients who require far higher levels of assurance
before experimenting with lesser known protocols. Now, in
the late summer of 2001, I wish to say that while the challenges
faced by inhabitants on this planet have indeed changed,
they are not as different as first appearances might seem.
While sanitation may have improved,
air quality, water, and food have surely deteriorated. The
centuries of herbal wisdom that I researched for my book
included the hundreds of years of the Plague as well as the
Inquisition. The threats to existence were major so even
if Europeans of the early and later Renaissance were not
subjected to the media blitzes and propaganda of the present
millennium, they were definitely surrounded by survival fears
that most probably were even more conscious than is suspected
today. In other words, while I think there might be more
schism between mind and matter in present times, I think
there was less hope to prop up diseased individuals when
pharmaceutical companies and their Madison Avenue cronies
were not polluting air waves with sound bytes about the miracles
we are all to rely upon when illness appears in our lives.
I used to be naive, but I am not a child
any longer. I know how the system sustains itself; I just
do not understand why anyone would risk his soul for the
power conferred by money.
Here is the original disclaimer, the
one posted when the replicas of the historic products were
first launched:
We urge users to consider these factors:
1. None of the formulae meet current
academic or governmental standards. They are "traditional" and "experimental," not
2. Users who opt for these remedies
should do so on the basis of their appeal both to common
sense and their own particular preferences, not on the
grounds of science.
3. Patients as well as friends and
family should recognize that our commitment is to the
quality of our herbs and integrity of our production.
We are in no position at all to perform the sorts of
clinical trials that universities and pharmaceutical
companies carry out in well-financed institutions.