In this section, I share background information
on Cancer Salves, external treatments with a rich and fascinating history.
I will explain how I first became acquainted the method,
why I started the site,
and my present mission. I also
describe the success rate
and present an extremely balanced list of pros and
cons that will help narrow options for those considering
alternative methods or adjunctive methods that can be used
in conjunction with conventional protocols.
Here, I introduce myself,
some conditions I have faced in my own life, and my beliefs about
health and healing. I also discuss my work and how I choose
to participate in the healing experiences of others as
well as my availability for seminars that allow me to share
what I have learned with others.
In this section, you will be introduced
to the book and have
an opportunity to read reviews that
have been posted on the Internet as well as in magazines.
When people are first told they have cancer,
they are very seldom aware that a successful outcome may
depend as much on actions a patient can undertake on his
or her own as on the specific protocol proposed by the oncologist.
There is signficant research indicating, for instance, that
women who are happy in their marriages and men who like their
work have twice the survival time as those who are unhappy.
Likewise, certain diets may aggravate the tendency towards
disease whereas some food may actually have anti-cancer properties.
Many people have never considered psychological or spiritual
factors that may play a crucial part in wellness. This section
contains a partial checklist that
patients can consult to see if there is more they could be
doing to optimize their healing.
Sacred Medicine Sanctuary has faithfully
reproduced some of the herbal remedies researched for the
book, Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment.
These products are available to those who wish to explore
them with the understanding that no claims are being made
for their efficacy, merely for their authenticity as historic
remedies. Each product is
discussed with somewhat more thoroughness than is commonly
seen on the web but not the depth of a seminar on herbal
Medicine Sanctuary
The products and information presented on
this site are made available as a spiritual service, in fulfillment
of a vow taken to relieve suffering wherever it is found.
The commitment is to quality and integrity. The background
of Sacred Medicine Sanctuary and Sacred Service Trust as
well as information on how to participate in and support
research can be found in this section.
and Answers
There are three bulletin boards related
to this site. The pages that used to have the questions from
e-mails have been transferred to a bulletin
board. There is another board within the patient sharing
subdirectory that is available to patients who
simply want to share with each other. Practitioners are not
permitted access to this area. There is a third board on that
is reserved for practitioners and patients are not permitted
there. This gives everyone an opportunity to express what
each wishes. All the boards are monitored for discretion
and sometimes edited or deleted when inappropriate language
is used (actually this has never happened, but the prerogative
As it sounds, this section contains articles
of potential interest to patients, sometimes written by myself
and sometimes reprinted. For instance, there is a reprint
of an article on microwaving that
has been very popular, certainly one of the more visited
pages on this site. There are also articles I have written
that address current issues, such as the media attention
to mistletoe and Iscador due
to the announcement by Suzanne Somers that she has chosen
this route. There are also articles where I give myself complete
editorial license to comment on such things as quality
control and standardization within the herbal industry,
issues seldom understood by the public, or where I am completely
philosophical and speak on the relationship between physical
health and psychological and spiritual well-being.
This is a disappointingly small section,
but it's interesting. I moved most of the case histories
to because I do not want to appear to be
posting testimonials nor promoting a treatment. I simply
want people to see enough to realize that cancer salves are
a serious approach to treatment . . . and not for everyone
but surely for some. The book has
more pictures as well as all the instructions needed to carry
out the treatment.
The newest area of the site and surely one
that will grow fast. Over the years, I have been repeatedly
asked by persons of all different dietary habits and every
which stage of cancer what to eat. I was working on a cookbook,
but after years of labor, the material was taken from my
home and I was too dejected to resume work on it. You can
help me by posting questions on the bulletin board!
This is exactly what it says it is. To be
listed here, there must be confidence in the material presented
on the linked site. Most linked sites must either have an
impeccable reputation or be 100% informational and non-profit.
This is a potentially important part of
the site, the place where clinics and hospitals as well as
non-profit organizations providing information or sponsoring
research can be networked.
Products are available by fax,
phone, mail, or online.
Many people want to ask questions about products before making
a decision. Please ask your health care practitioner to contact me.
I will then set up a time for a teleconference with your
practitioner to explain what he or she needs to know about
the products. No such decisions are ever simple. They require
a proper understanding of the uniqueness of each situation
so I have chosen only to work with those who are supervising
the treatment. I do not charge for this service, but it is
limited to health care professionals.
There is a catalog of
books and tapes on this site as well as a list of products
produced for Sacred Medicine
Sanctuary. There are instant order buttons within
the site to make ordering easier for those who like the efficiency. There is also an online store that can be entered
by clicking on the button to the right of the navigation
arrows at the bottom of each page. Adjunctive products, such
as those that aid digestion and elimination or immunity;
regenerative tonics; and close-outs of
one of kind or other products that are no longer being restocked
are available in the store.