Sacred Medicine Sanctuary
Sacred Medicine Sanctuary is a non-denominational
church devoted to health and healing. The church provides goods
and services that are consistent with the ideals and spiritual
beliefs of the church and its members. It is not necessary
to accept the beliefs nor to be a member of the church in order
to avail oneself of the goods and services provided by Sacred
Medicine Sanctuary. These are offered irrespective of religion.
We support religious freedom and freedom of
choice in health care and believe that it is vital for individuals
to live in accordance with their faith. Failure to do so leads
to depression and causes a schism to arise between the "real" and
the "ideal."
The choices that relate to walking ones
Path often necessitate delving deep inside to discover the
importance or lack thereof of principles that individuals purport
to embrace.

Where products are concerned, the Sanctuary
makes no claim as to the superiority or effectiveness of what
it provides. The herbs and/or herbal formulae are merely
offered in the hopes of and with prayers for healing. The formulas
are produced in accordance with historic and traditional precepts,
not modern science. As such, using the methods of science,
they are not "proven."
Since the Sanctuary believes that healing
need not entail harm to other species, it does not condone
experiments in which tumors are transplanted into animals or
in which laboratory animals are deliberately exposed to carcinogens.
We therefore expect that everything we provide will continue
to remain "unproven."
However, we support the need for integrity
and conscience. Therefore, we request that everyone
asking for our products participate in what might be called "outcome research." Simply
stated, this means that we ask for feedbackin whatever
form it is availableas to the effectiveness of the
products for the purposes used by the patient. From these
reports, we hope to develop better and better products.
Periodically, we will send out inquiries
and also checklists. The
purpose of these is to enable people to evaluate the factors
in life that may be retarding healing. For example, it is
apparently understood by modern science that there are genes
in the DNA that predispose
people to certain illnesses. There are also other genes
that inhibit the functioning of the potentially causal genes. In
the case of cancer, these are called oncogenes and tumor
suppressor genes. Together, they constitute a system
of checks and balances. Each individual therefore has
risks and protection. There are known factors that undermine
the ability of the inhibitors to perform their work. For
instance, specialists in what is called biological
medicine describe terrain or
milieu. The environment in which the disease is found
can affect the oxidation-reduction potential of cells and
greatly affect the outcome of treatment. It has been
shown that perfectly adequate protocols fail when certain
stressors act to impair the tumor suppressor genes. In
order for patients to be more aware of what contributes to
health and what undermines it, we will post information via
e-mail and on the Web that we find relevant.
The Sanctuary exists to provide a service. Those
who wish to benefit by the services should consider carefully
how suitable the services are to their particular beliefs and
needs. We support the freedom to choose what is acceptable
to the beliefs of each individual, but we assume no responsibility
for the outcome of choices made by anyone exercising this freedom. It
is the responsibility of the patient and those closest to the
patient to evaluate the products and services in relationship
to the patients life and needs. We recommend that
people periodically assess their responses to their chosen
treatments and that they seriously consider changing to other
treatments if their responses are not sufficient to warrant
continued efforts.
Should there come a time when a patient feels
it appropriate to consider different services, he or she is
entirely free to do soand because we are interested in
what works and we are devoted to truth, we would like to hear
back from those who choose other paths to healing.
In sum, the Sanctuary provides a conscious
alternative for those whose beliefs dictate a preference for
these alternatives. In no way are we claiming or even
implying that results will be more satisfactory if our products
and/or services are used over some other option. We are providing
what we offer as a matter of spiritual persuasion, not medical
science; and we respectfully request everyone seeking our services
to weigh the meaning of this in the light of his or her own
needs and beliefs.
For more information on the doctrine of harmlessness
or ahimsa, see:
For more on Sacred Medicine Sanctuary, see:

Sacred Medicine Sanctuary is a congregation
of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, a non-profit
corporate assembly. At present, the Sanctuary has twelve ordained
ministers, living in eight different States. SHES has approximately
6000 ministers in 40 countries. For more information, visit
the SHES website.