Historic Practitioners
It was my hope that once my book was published, someone would recognize the potential of botanical cancer treatments. As expected, for a while, I was courted by various universities, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists. The universities all backed down when the proposals hit high administrative levels, and the other possibilities fell apart when "return on investment" overshadowed the highest interests of the patient.
I never planned to create a product line. It all started innocently when I was talking to another herbalist and we got excited about the idea of making an exact replica of Compound Syrup Scrophularia, using the steam displacement process advised by Dr. Eli Jones as well as the fresh herbs he regarded as critical to the efficacy of the formula. For herbalists, this was a perfectly normal project: take a formula from a book and make it. When we first embarked on this, I have to admit, we never thought of selling it or even doing a clinical trial. We just wanted to taste it and feel it. There were 19 eight-ounce bottles in that first batch and the first patient who did use it had such encouraging responses that we made some more. Little by little, the projects became more and more interesting.
Then, we developed a little more formal plan.
I would choose the products that stood out as most valuable,
and we would re-create one after another according to the success
claimed by the practitioner who used the product and how credible
that person appeared to been. It has now been a few years and
we have lots of products, all made in very small batches by
highly qualified herbalists. There are a few products that
I developed in response to needs I did not think were being
met by others, such a my lymph stimulating teas and tinctures,
some immune formulas, and an anti-scarring cream to be used
following biopsies, surgery, or escharotic use. All the products
are made by people with small laboratories and a lifelong dedication
to herbal medicine.
What is absolutely different about herbal
medicine than pharmaceutical medicine is that herbalists improvise.
This is not regarded as irregular much less heretical or unscientific;
and no one is concerned about whether or not each variation
of a formula has had the same amount of clinical use. Herbalists
modify formulas because of seasonal availability of plants
and regional variations in flora. This has always been the
case; and because of the understanding herbalists have, the
ability to make safe and appropriate substitutions is rarely
questioned. Another truly fascinating feature
of herbal medicine is not only how flexible and eclectic it
is but how global it has always been. Virtually all herbal
books begin their discussions of herbs by describing the habitat.
So, when I found galangal in Hildegard
of Bingen's medicine, my heart skipped a few beats because
I knew that long before Marco Polo, an abbess in the Middle
Ages knew of the Far East!
of Bingen is the first of the historic practitioners
whose work is presented in this section. Her products either
require ingredients that are difficult to source or methods
of manufacture that are extremely challenging. However, we
sometimes offer her violet
salve, imported from Germany where devoted admirers have
created hospitals that practice "Hildegard Medicine." We
also have yarrow to be made as a tea or used in a wine. Hildegard
said it prevents metastasis. German doctors use it as a preparation
for surgery and also in conjunction with chemotherapy and
John Pattison practiced in London in the mid-1800's.
Early in his career, he used the bloodroot paste that has
been widely reported in medical literature since the first
studies were conducted at Middlesex Hospital by Dr. J. Weldon
Fell, a contemporary of Pattison. Fell's work has been peer-reviewed
for almost 150 years. Dr. Frederic Mohs does not mention
either Fell or Pattison in his work, but Mohs microsurgery
uses a similar paste (not identical) and a variation of the
Fell method. Pattison first published a bloodroot protocol
and later (1866) one based on goldenseal. Using his ideas,
we make two formulas that are derivative of his work, both
available only through practitioners. One is to be used in
conjunction with later stages of an escharotic or enucleating
process. I call it Golden
Myrrical because it is made with goldenseal, myrrh, and
calendula. The other is a base ointment for making an enucleating
paste or salve; it is incomplete in that it lacks the ingredients
to make it a standalone product. Practitioners therefore
have to mix other ingredients into it to give it the desired
Eli G. Jones, M.D. is next on the list. His main work
was published in 1911 after a forty-year career specializing
in cancer treatment. He claimed to have treated 20,000 patients
with an 80% success rate. The cornerstone of his protocol
was the Compound
Syrup Scrophularia, the first of our historic re-creations.
Jones bequeathed his formula to his brother physicians, and
I reprinted it in the appendix of my book because I truly
believe we should not lose touch with the fruits of someone
with such an illustrious career as Jones. Recipes are not
everything. Sourcing ingredients and using good manufacturing
processes are equally important. This product is very difficult
to make exactly as Jones required, but we have done it! We
also make a number of other products based on the work of
Jones: Phytolacca
Syrup for poor appetite, Phytolacca
Ointment for scar tissue related to breast cancer, Compound
Cerate Belladonna for hard breast lumps, Corydalis
Extract for cancers in the lymphatic system and cachexia, Dioscorea
Extract for stomach cancer attended by griping pain, Poultice
Powder for use in conjunction with an escharotic process,
and Jones
Drops for infection and vaccines. We also provide homeopathic
Thuja 30X that Jones recommended for people who had been
vaccinated. These descriptions are from the writings of Jones,
and we cannot claim that they work as he said. They are available
to practitioners.
Hoxsey had a famous Elixirex or tonic that so far as I could
tell used ingredients similar to the Trifolium
Compound of the Eclectic Physicians. Because our products
are historic re-creations, I chose this name over one that might
have been easier to remember such as Red Clover Tonic. Later,
in honor of the Native American influences on Eclectic Medicine,
I renamed the formula Sundance Elixir. This product is "derivative." Based
on what others had in their tonics, I adapted the formula to
my own preferences. While it contains similar herbs as its Hoxsey
cousin, it is more herbal and less chemical since Hoxsey used
potassium iodide in his tonic. This product is available as a
glycerite for those who are avoiding alcohol and as an extract
for those who prefer not to consume honey.
John Christopher was a natural healer who lived in Utah.
He had a very long career and many herbal products on the market
today are made by students who are making extracts or teas based
on the writings of Dr. Christopher. Sam and Loren Biser, brothers,
each published versions of The Layman's Course on Killing
Cancer and much of Richard Schulze's work is derivative of
Christopher's. There are features of The Layman's Course that
are beyond the scope of my work and this site, but it is evident
that Christopher was treating cancer, that his primary formula
was essentially the same as Hoxsey's (which is not a criticism
-- it merely points to historic usage), and that his herbal
bolus is something truly to be investigated by persons with
cancer or other abnormal conditions of the reproductive and eliminatory
Chaparral is
another traditional cancer herb used mainly by curandera of the
Southwest, and Essiac is
a formula learned by Rene Caisse from
the Ojibwa people.
Formulae constitute a growing list of specialty products
I have created in response to pleas from patients. This includes
my teas: cleavers and violets are
used in conjunction with other lymph stimulating and digestive
herbs. Indigo
Drops is a tribute to baptisia (wild indigo) and contains
many herbs known to support immune function and lymphatic drainage.
Then, there is a new immune formula, a little less lymph stimulating
and more white cell potentiating. It is called Whale's Teas.
The anti-scar cream is called Feathered Turtle. In addition,
there is the Golden Myrrical mentioned under Pattison and the
base ointment for enucleating processes. In addition, there are
a number of single herb extracts, such as astragalus for white
blood cell enhancement. There is also a parasite protocol
containing three different formulas to be used in a cycle: Arjuna's
Arrows, Dragon Dreams, and Phoenix Rising.

Please understand that all these products continue to be largely experimental. Our experience with them is growing, but you know how difficult it is to discuss our products. I am totally committed to perfecting the products as much as possible and to offering seminars to practitioners so that more patients will have the benefit of skilled supervision. In the meantime, I ask you to understand the context in which these products are offered and to supply feedback on their use.
God bless!