At age 47 I had sold my main company
and thought of retirement. I started an organic farm as my retirement
project. At age 57 I was still running several businesses and the
organic farm on the side. I had very little time to rest. One day,
Sept. 11, 1997, the doctor called me to tell me that the result
of the biopsies taken on Sept. 8 were positive. With a June PSA
of 8.6 he took an ultrasound right away which showed a tumor measuring
9 x 6 mm and the lab report came back classifying the cancer as
a Gleason 7, medium aggressive.
My family doctor had seen my PSA
rise over the last four years and had advised watchful waiting,
the urologist two years ago dismissed it as prostatitis, "like
a cold of the prostate, I'll give you some antibiotics and you
will be all right." On my question whether I really needed to take
antibiotics he replied: "No, it won't do any good anyway." I left
his office confused. Only by luck, on a return trip from a Seattle
business trip, did I sit next to an early prostate cancer detection
specialist who, after hearing my various test results, urged me
to get an ultrasound immediately, as according to his interpretation
of my values I had cancer. He was right.
My specialist friend Fred repeated
ultrasound and biopsies on Sept. 18 and confirmed the original
results, adding that the cancer was a T2a and that a perineural
invasion on the left side was found. Fred speculated that the cancer
had been there for ten to fifteen years.
Promotes cancer cell death
Reduces cancer gene-bcl
Reduces androgen receptor
Reduces cancer cell growth
by regulating cancer cell cycle
I took three homeopathic remedies:
Designed to have my whole
system respond better
To increase oxygenation
of healthy cells
Drops specifically for my
A 100% water soluble Shark Cartilage extract,
which reduces blood vessel formation, dampens PHF hormone and
cell division, and stimulates the immune system via lymphocyte
/ immune cells.
Modified Citrus Pectin is obtained from the
peel and pulp of citrus fruits. Clinical research indicates an
affinity for cell surface carbohydrate - binding when ordinary
pectin is modified to create a shorter molecular chain. This
product is designed to diminish the spread of cancer.
Soybean Isoflavone Concentrate is a powdered
blend of soybeans, rich in concentrations of genisteins, diadzein
and gycitein. These isoflavones play a role in inhibiting angiogenesis
(formation and development of blood vessels), inducing cell differentiation
and triggering tumor cell breakdown.
Cancer does not like a warm environment. Many
types of heat treatments have been employed in history to combat
cancer. Microwave hyperthermia is receiving a lot of attention
recently. Unfortunately, I understand that the FDA has only approved
this treatment for BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia). I could
not find a clinic in Canada offering what I was looking for;
the little I found did not make sense to me. In Germany microwave
hyperthermia is receiving much more attention. There even is
an association covering this new type of treatment. Several universities
have ongoing studies. The clinic where I finally received my
treatments over a two week period works with a temperature of
43 degree Celsius. This is based on the understanding that at
this temperature cancerous cells die as they have poor blood
circulation, but healthy cells are not affected because better
blood supply keeps them sufficiently cool. This clinic has a
study underway that they believe may show a response rate of
I learned of many ways to improve oxygenation
of healthy cells such as: medical ozone treatments, breathing
pure oxygen a couple of hours a day, peroxide infusions, etc.
I decided to begin breathing deeply the best quality air available
to me and to use a homeopathic solution. I also added Germanium
sesquioxide (Ge 132) to my supplements. Clinical trials with
Ge 132 showed high effectiveness in many cancers including prostate
cancer. It stimulates the immune system and highly increases
the availability of oxygen into all cells. Since cancer HATES
oxygen, this is, in part, a reverse strategy therapy. Ge 132
also helps re-establish a more favorable acid/alkaline body balance
(pH). The rise in pH towards more alkalinity arrests cancer growth
because cancer thrives only in an acid environment. This is one
of the reasons why an alkaline diet, such as fruits and vegetables,
promote slow but certain healing from tumorous and cancerous
conditions. Germanium is a controlled substance in Canada.
Synphonics is music created from missing tones
in a particular organism to effect healing by using these specific
sound frequencies and waveforms to reestablish balanced energy
patterns. It restores the flow of vital life force energy to
areas that have been constricted by disease or stress. With life
force energy healing occurs, it brings our vibrational model
to an optimal state. Music involves healing on the emotional
level as well, it softens disappointments which block life force
energy and helps soften wounded emotions. It catalyzes whatever
is unresolved in the psycho emotional realm. It offers a place
of compassion and self forgiveness and promotes understanding
and acceptance of the healing energies. It offers a place of
There is nothing better than a good meditation
to calm your mind, to relax you and let you get in touch with
yourself. Many studies have proven how instrumental visualization
is for healing. I first devised very structured visualizations
for my healing process. A therapist suggested that I should relax,
not use so many words in my head and let images get into my head.
I did this in very relaxed sessions and the visualizations that
followed were amazing. They seemed to change with the healing
process, which I monitored with ultrasounds.
The psychological aspect is so important in
cancer healing. I have a hard time deciding which side is more
important, the physical or mental. A good friend referred me
to the work done by doctors Hammer and Sabbah. Dr. Hammer sees
cancer due to a miscoding or short circuit of the brain after
a traumatic experience. Cells do not receive proper instructions
and can not fulfill their proper functions and therefore become
cancerous. He asserts that emotions are situated in the limbic
brain. Every emotion lived is communicated to the hypothalamus
which in turn acts on the pituitary gland, the manager of our
hormonal system. From the pituitary gland the message gets transmitted
to the adrenal gland which sends stress hormones into the blood
stream. Some of those hormones have a depressive effect on the
immune system. Dr. Hammer then explains that we work on three
- The psychological experience
- The brain's handling of the experience
- The physical repercussions
Depending on how we react to the experience,
it gets localized in one of four areas of the brain: 1. Cerebral
trunk, 2. Cerebellum, 3. Brain marrow, 4. Right and left cortex.
From there it manifests itself in different illnesses, all predictable.
Dr. Hammer proved this with brain scans on 15,000 patients and
his work was later recognized by several universities. He points
out that the stress often starts with a "displacement" conflict,
to which a 'devaluation' conflict is added which the patient cannot
see himself solving."
I also heard other therapists say that cancer
is caused by: deep hurts, long term resentments, grief, hate or
a general feeling of hopelessness. For males, and the prostate
specifically, items are mentioned such as: male identity, territory,
the prostate being the second heart for a man, the threat to the
masculine principle, etc.
I found a regression therapist who received specialized
training by Dr. Sabbah. In only 6 sessions we were able to identify
and resolve my trauma. With the help of more therapy I was able
to let go of resentments I held for a long time and forgive everyone
in my life for whatever I perceived they had done to me. This helped
me to revisit my early childhood, which had been a black memory
up to recently. I got in touch and learned to love this little
creative boy I found I had been, loved my boundless energy, loved
the way I was able to cope with adversity. I now like myself a
lot more and have learned what love is all about. What a life I
now have ahead of me! I now know why the cancer came into my life.
It gave me back my life which was confined into the narrow tracks
of a workaholic. I can truthfully say that the cancer came as my
friend. I believe now that every illness has something to teach
us. All we have to do is to be sensitive to its message and make
the necessary adjustments in our thinking and lifestyle.
The cancer enriched my life. I had a lot of time
for introspection, facing death. I have gotten in touch with parts
of myself that I didn't know existed. My life will never be the
same again. I am looking forward with excitement to a much richer
One doctor specializing in prostate cancer treatment
told me that, while prostate cancer was one of the slowest growing
cancers normally, that it also was the most difficult to bring
to a complete cure. I believe I know why - men don't like to talk
about the problems connected with their reproductive organs. They
have a tendency to go to the doctor quietly and ask him to take
IT away so they can get back to work and to their favored sport
activities. They do not stop and ask themselves why the disease
came into their life and what lifestyle changes they need to make.
My opinion is corroborated by the fact that in the past only about
15% of the research money that went into breast cancer research
went into prostate cancer research. Men never developed the voice
politically that women did in this matter, even though it now becomes
apparent that prostate cancer is more prevalent then breast cancer.
This is not as easy as it might appear. There
is first of all the medical community to consider. Medical, allopathic
doctors all have a similar educational background. The pressures
coming from university training, medical associations, pharmaceutical
companies, and peers, as well as overwork, result frequently in
the fervent belief that only the medical model has value. Urologists,
radiologists and oncologists argue among themselves as to who's
treatment is better.
My experience was that many doctors urged me
to action out of conviction. Others, I felt, were motivated more
by money or power. In any event, some of the statements made to
me, such as threats of imminent death if I would not do this or
that, I found downright irresponsible. Someone who has just been
told the horrible news of having cancer, needs a lot of love and
support and not veiled threats. The gravity of the disease is evident.
Of real help are those who hold out hope and stay away from doom
and disaster. Once our shaky legs held up against the pressure
from the medical world, we have to contend with family and friends.
Its amazing how we get to know a different side of our loved ones.
They fear for us and want us to do what they think they would have
done in a like situation. Surprisingly many want us to follow our
doctor's advice and not our own good senses. It helped me to stay
in close touch with those professionals, friends and family who
supported me overtly in my decisions.
On January 14, 1998 I had my second ultrasound,
expecting a much smaller tumor after so much work. My heart almost
stopped when I was told that the tumor was still 9 x 6 mm, exactly
the same size as before. I saw myself sinking into a total depression.
Why no improvement? How much longer can I keep up my protocol?
The next morning I started frantic phone calls to some of my therapists.
Surprisingly very few could describe to me what I should expect
to see when I am healing. After many phone calls I put together
the following picture: a tumor usually has tentacles into healthy
tissue. The first stage is that those tentacles withdraw and that
the tumor becomes clearly defined. After this the tumor stays the
same size for quite a while, while the macrophage - T-lymphocyte
- NK cellular defense system kills and carries dead cancer cells
out of the body. Usually the tumor gets thus weakened from the
inside until one day it completely collapses. I now felt much more
positive. When I inquired about the details of the first and second
ultrasound my radiologist confirmed that although the tumor still
filled the inside of the markers there were no longer any tentacles
beyond it. The first stage of healing was evident from the ultrasound
pictures. A Feb. 2 ultrasound still showed the tumor at the same
size, but it was soft to the touch. On Feb. 13, an ultra sound
was taken on my special request, against the doctor's recommendation,
and no tumor was visible. Unfortunately this was not the end of
the cancer though, as the hyperthermia treatments partially masked
the tumor. If it would have been a solid tumor then, according
to the doctor's experience, it would have been visible. His only
explanation was that the tumor has a transparent quality (watery
cysts?), another sign of healing. Prostate cancer takes many years
to develop and it also takes longer than other cancers to heal
the alternative way. On March 26, after another ultrasound, the
tumor was visible again.
In chemotherapy, for example each medication
has a different response rate, usually around 30%. In order to
heighten the chances of success doctors take four or five such
chemotherapy compounds to increase the response rate hopefully
to 60%. Each agent plays havoc with the immune system, and most
cancer patients don't die of cancer, they die of the side effects.
In alternative healing, one approaches the whole cancer paradigm
from the physical and emotional side to begin with. On the physical
side, there is a whole range of things one can do and, like in
chemotherapy, each of these therapies has a different response
rate. Since each treatment enhances the immune system, more than
a dozen treatments can be used at the same time, and their combined
effect is even more powerful. When the cancer is healed, the patient
is left with better health than before this crisis, because the
whole body system was given an overhaul. Today, at age 57, I am
in better shape then I was in my mid 30's, thanks to all the therapies
I chose. In covering all major aspects of my physical and emotional
health, I have done all I could to avoid a recurrence of cancer,
or other diseases for that matter. Is there any question as to
whether I made the right choice?
Many drugs developed by the pharmaceutical companies
are targeted to a very specific disease. While they hopefully kill
that disease, they create a plethora of negative side effects that
sometimes kill the patient. Often the cure is worse then the disease.
Alternative healing sets the whole being right, body, and spirit.
Allopathic medicine has not done very much to improve the chances
of a patient diagnosed with cancer. Because of this the mere word
cancer makes people mortally afraid. One does not even pronounce
the word "cancer" out of fear, --- we now say "the big C". This
leads many people to give up the moment they hear that they have
cancer. The battle is lost right then and there! A patient just
listens to what the first doctor has to say and then follows orders
like sheep being brought to the slaughter house. If instead he/she
would investigate WHY cancer came into HIS or HER life and then
start therapies with a positive frame of mind, chances of success
would increase enormously.
I believe that, if cancer patients dare take
responsibility for their condition and treatment, they need to
develop a feeling as to what's right for their body and what's
wrong - therapies, supplements, right action and right thinking.
Our forefathers knew special ways of healing
but where not well versed in scientific health and disease aspects.
Over the last 100 years we amassed a lot of scientific knowledge
but pushed aside the wisdom of our forefathers. Now, we must strive
for balance were we blend scientific knowledge with ancient healing
skills. This involves many physical, mental, as well as emotional
I used orthodox medical experts extensively to
properly evaluate and assess the disease and to check out medical
facts and processes. I have dealt with dedicated and friendly doctors
but I also had the misfortune to talk with other highly-placed
doctors who pronounced judgments and made aggressive statements
that instilled fear and terror in me. If I would not have had such
a strong constitution and an already broad base of knowledge, I
would have collapsed in fear and would have let them do what they
insisted on. I had a good working knowledge of alternative health
and then further educated myself on prostate cancer. This way I
was in a position to stand up to the tremendous pressure from the
doctors. I guess "Knowledge is Power". I understand now that real
healing of cancer means bringing your whole body into balance,
both physically and mentally. Any partial healing not in harmony
with nature or a singular and restrictive healing approach using
chemicals, only increases the chances for cancer to recur.
I was fortunate to find good doctors and healers.
As I learned about my body and illness I benefited much from their
help and counsel. If we allow ourselves to be open, we will see
that a lot of help comes our way. Today I know so much more about
my body and can take care of myself much better. I know that my
experience with cancer has enriched my life.
Yes and no. Never in my life have I felt so fortunate
to be in a position to free the time and money to totally devote
myself to my healing process. The cancer was my wake-up call, I
used it as a catalyst to heal my whole body and mind, to make up
for years of abusing my body. For those less fortunate, take heart,
I believe that prostate cancer can be healed naturally with less
than I did, as long as one pays attention to the major principles
involved. Each case is different and many protocols will work.
Your conviction that you can do it is the most important starting
There are many alternative ways of healing. They
are not highly advertised as they can not be patented to hold the
promise of fat profits for the pharmaceutical corporations. One
must do the research and find them. Through my sister I met a woman
who was diagnosed with one of the most aggressive breast cancers.
The doctors told her that she would be dead in six months if she
would not get operated immediately. She decided against this option
and followed an alternative healing program. Six months later she
was declared free of cancer. We compared our protocols. To begin
with none of our treatments were the same. She used completely
different methods on a much smaller budget. We then discussed other
methods that neither one of us used; there really is an abundance
of options for those who make the effort and look. One thing must
be kept in mind: the decision to go the alternative route requires
total commitment. Half measures are dangerous. We must devote our
whole being to this process.
Whatever you do when you hear the fateful pronouncement,
don't freeze up. Do get all necessary medical tests for an accurate
staging of your disease, take a deep breath and relax. Your disease
most likely took many years to develop. Most of the time you have
a week or a month to study, inform yourself and ponder, so that
you can find the healing path that feels right for you and makes
sense. If your physician feels toxic to you, find another one who
you feel will give you the support you need.
Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment by
Dr. Ingrid Naiman, Seventh Ray Press, Fax: 360-779-9677 or 1-888-FAX-HEAL.
Options, the Alternative Cancer Therapy
Book by Richard Walters / Avery Publishing group Inc.
Third Opinion by John M. Fink, Avery
Publishing Group.
An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide
to Cancer by W. John Diamond, M.D. , Future Medicine Publishing.
Prostate Health in 90 DAYS Without Drugs
or Surgery by Larry Clapp, Ph.D., JD, Hay House Inc.
Love, Medicine, and Miracles by
Bernie S. Siegel, M.D., Harper Perennial.
Primal Legacy: "Thinking for the 21st
Century" by Joseph Costa, Ph.D., Better Life Books, ISBN
Conversations with God by Neale
Donald Walsch / G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, Volume 1, 2 and
Body and Soul, The Other Side Of Illness by
Albert Kreinhedger, Ph.D.
Since the article was written in April 1998, I
have continued with much of the above and added the following:
CB(Conscious of Being)-BODYWORK
Accumulation of physical and emotional deposits
in body tissue inhibits free development which can lead to injuries
of the physical or mental body so that our body cannot self-correct
but compensates. This leads to micro-circulation problems which
trigger metabolic disturbances which can irritate nerve-pathways
which can lead to more serious illnesses. For example problems
in our vertebrae can lead to illnesses in our vital organs, etc.
The new massage is based on the knowledge of energy pathways. Through
manual manipulation the affected tissue is brought back to its
original state, which at this point is beyond the body's self healing
capabilities. Once repaired, physical and mental healing can proceed
much more effectively. The massage concentrates on repair of:
- Periost (bone-skin) to reestablish intercellular
- Muscles Break up calcium & toxin deposits
- Stretch and energize fascia & connective tissue
- Soften hardened muscles
All this will detoxify and stimulate the immune
system. Those parts of the body that have been restored can return
to a healthy state. I took a total of 23 massages lasting 44 hours
all together.
Mistletoe (Viscum album) has cytostatic
and immunomodulatory properties: It slows growth - inhibits spreading
(sometimes completely dissolving tumors), stimulates eliminatory
functions, improves sleep, promotes appetite and weight gain, acts
as antidepressant. Slight increases in body temperature are a good
sign. Rather then being solely directed against cancer cells, mistletoe
aims to restore the dynamic equilibrium between cell and organism
by stimulating the organizing principle.
On Nov. 25 1998 my PSA went up to 16.8. After
15 month of using all the alternative means of healing that made
sense to me, my immune system was stronger than in my thirties
but the cancer did not respond, it seemed to have a life of its
own as is often the case. I do believe, however, that the spreading
of the cancer has thereby been prevented. I now added to my program
the herbal combination IMUNOPROS, a version of PC SPES but with
added selenium. PC SPES is a mixture of mainly Chinese herbs (Chrysanthemum,
Isatis, Licorice, Lucid ganoderma, Pseudo-ginseng, Rubescens, Saw
Palmetto, Scute) developed by Dr. Sophie Chen, which has had remarkable
results in lowering PSA counts and which is being studied extensively
by our medical establishment. It is a phytoestrogen with fewer
side effects than chemical hormone blockers. It:
- has anti-tumor, -viral, -BPH, -inflammatory
- has been found to exert potent cytostatic
and cytotoxic activity in prostatic carcinoma
- down regulates bcl-2 gene
- promotes apoptosis (natural cell death) of
tumor cells
- makes tumor cells more sensitive to other
anti tumor agents
- suppresses LNCaP prostrate cell growth
- suppresses androgen receptor (AR).
I took the maximum dose recommended, three times
three capsules daily between meals. On Jan. 6, 1999 my PSA had
dropped to 5.7.
Since the cancer itself did not seem to respond
to the other therapies, I opted for laser surgery which I had investigated
last spring as one of several invasive procedures. Since the cancer
did not respond to all the other therapies I did so far I felt
I needed this intervention. My chances were excellent since so
far I had only had immune system boosting therapies. Laser surgery
would have been impossible or at least problematic if I would have
already had a radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy which usually
destroys too much tissue or, chemotherapy which could have seriously
damaged my immune system. Germany was the only place I found where
this laser surgery would be performed. Sadly, a Mt. Royal Hospital
/ McGill University urologist informed me that here, and to his
knowledge, in all of North America this type of surgery is performed
only to reduce the prostate gland but not for cancer. Even the
German surgeon was duty bound to recommend a radical prostatectomy
as the treatment of choice. He could only discuss laser surgery
with me after I refused a radical prostatectomy because of the
high probability of serious secondary problems and a 52% chance
of later reoccurrence of a much more aggressive cancer. This surgeon
has laser operated patients for prostate cancer for 12 years and
all his patients live and have a good quality life, not one suffers
from incontinence or impotence. I was operated on Jan. 13 and left
the hospital to return to my normal life on Jan. 16. The doctor
could leave some prostate tissue close to the bladder as it was
cancer free but removed the rest, about 80% of the total prostate,
as well as other tissue close to the tumor. After this he carbonized
and vaporized the surrounding tissue. Before he started with the
operation, he gave me a massive infusion of vitamin D-3 (Calcitriol),
which according to Stanford University research inhibits the risk
of spreading. All of this took 45 minutes. All tests before the
operation indicated that no spreading of the cancer beyond the
prostate had taken place. I now need to take my regular PSA tests
to make sure that the cancer in fact is permanently gone. I am
deeply appreciative this urologist who risks his professional life
in order to introduce more benign and effective treatments. From
all I learned I am convinced that this operation is safer and more
effective than a radical prostatectomy, does not compromise the
immune system (as does the conventional surgery,) affords the patient
a normal quality life. It is sad that urologists and traditional
medicine suppress such a promising treatment.
Dr. Paul Seeger, colleague of Dr. Otto Warburg,
discovered in 1938 the inactivation and destruction of the most
important enzyme of the respiratory chain within the mitochondria
called cytochrome oxidase (cytochrome a/a3) in cancer cells due
to poor oxygenation, environmental chemicals, etc.]. This is the
enzyme responsible for transferring hydrogen (derived from foods
in our diet) to the oxygen delivered to the cell by hemoglobin.
As a result the respiratory chain and its associated oxidative
phosphorylation grinds to a halt and hydrogen accumulates in the
cancer cells forcing the cell to cover its energy demands by switching
to the phylogenetically older and less efficient option of fermentation
(glycolysis). Once the respiratory chain is blocked the cells switch
over to glycolysis. End products such as short chain fatty acids
and D(-) lactate then accumulate because of the absence of a metabolic
escape route. These same products stimulate cell division, which
leads to the proliferation of cells and eventually (with the aid
of angiogenesis) to a visible tumor. Ozone is oxidative medicine
designed to trigger oxidation. At 20% oxidation it stimulates immune
system and at 22% oxidation concentration it activates the P53
gene which kills cancer cells. Drs. Gumlager and Gernat of Frankfurt
Germany (SYNCOMP LABS) developed a "Reduced Glutathione" (GSA)
which prevents the system to over oxidize, which can have reverse
effects and would be damaging. Many people using ozone do not pay
attention to this and have poor results from their treatment. Glutathione
is the strongest antioxidant and works on an intracellular level,
it will help other antioxidants to be absorbed better. (Take glutathione
on empty stomach with 12 to 16 oz water so that it bypasses the
stomach and gets into the small intestine. When using ozone take
glutathione 1/2 hr to 2 hrs after only.) It is advisable to take
glutathione two weeks prior to ozone or any other treatment that
creates oxidative stress such a chemotherapy. Ozone creates oxidative
stress and therefore glutathione and other antioxidants are needed
to balance this. During ozone treatments the need for antioxidants
goes up but long term it will lessen. If ozone and antioxidants
are well balanced, then intracellular oxygen will increase. There
exists much literature and opinions as to the best protocol to
follow, one can easily get confused. My analysis and personal experience
convince me that for prostate cancer the most efficient and practical
protocol is the use of ozone via rectal insufflation at about 27
gamma, humidified at 1/4 l/min flow rate for one minute every second
day for 10 treatments. After this the system should have gotten
a good "kick start" so that I repeat this protocol only several
month later.
Since the article was written for a presentation
at a prostate forum with allopathic medicine heavily represented,
I held back on the extent of my psychological and spiritual work.
I believe that this work was the most important and was much more
extensive than reported in this article. I also give this work
credit for having brought peace, happiness and contentment into
my life to an extent that I always used to dream of. I also did
not mention that the discovery of the cancer, now almost three
years ago, crystallized the differences my spouse of 22 years and
I had the last 10 years and brought about our separation. Both
events happened within one month of each other and the resulting
pain was so excruciating that I finally found the courage to confront
a lot of issues in my life which, in my opinion, brought on the
cancer. Working through those issues was largely responsible for
my emotional, spiritual and physical well being today. One attracts
people into one's life at the plateau at which one lives. I eventually
met a woman with whom I live today in a state of happiness and
deep sharing that I did not know was possible. Our strong love
and spiritual bond helps both of us to continue our journey towards
total healing. I am sure it is now easier for the reader to understand
why I called the cancer my friend. The cancer, normally understood
to bring an early end to one's life, gave me back my life to the
fullest extent.
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