The liver is perhaps the
hardest working organ of the body. It has hundreds of
tasks to perform, including detoxification of the blood. It
is also a reservoir for sugar and fat and is usually congested
with surfeit, so much so that average people, so-called healthy
people, often use more than 60% of their livers just for storage. A
sluggish liver means fatigue and toxemia and a high risk of
various chronic diseases.
is no joy with a sick liver! The psychological symptoms
associated with a toxic liver are irritability and anger. Symptoms
of a clogged liver also include indecisiveness, difficulty
seeing the future and planning ahead, more focus on the past
than the present or future, and apathy.
Studies show that thistle protects the liver
from damage caused by carcinogens as well as cytotoxic drugs. Other
herbs promote liver regeneration and happiness. Since
liver cells live about 18 months, a good liver program might
take two years, but the major gains are in the first weeks
and months so relatively rapid improvement in vitality is possible. Even
when feeling better, most people should continue the program
because there is a huge difference between liver cleansing
and liver regenerating. Cleansing can be reasonably thorough
in 2-6 months, but regenerating takes longer, sometimes several
Normally, a person starts with a detoxification
program, often gradual at first and then more aggressive, depending
on the ability to tolerate the side effects of detoxification.
There are sometimes side effects because toxins are mobilized
from places where they ar relatively inactive. As they circulate,
they can give rise to irritability. In most cases, it is better
to start slowly and pace the detoxification with the tolerance
for mobilization.
After a certain point, the task changes from
detoxification to regeneration. Therefore, the herbs taken
should reflect the need for rejuvenation of the liver. These
herbs are more nourishing and less alkaloidal.
There is a recipe for
a delicious "liver" smoothie on this site. It uses
milk thistle seeds and lycium berries.
There are many products to consider. Hildegard
of Bingen used yarrow, in a tea or warm wine. There are also
tableted forms of milk thistle that usually contain other
herbs that support liver cleansing and/or rejuvenation. Rainbow
Light's Milk Thistle Plus is one of these.
Liver Formulas |
Liver Tonics |