Hydrastis canadensis

Many of the herbs used historically in cancer treatment were Native American in origin. Of these, goldenseal has been so prized that it has often been extremely expensive or insufficiently available. The use of goldenseal was taught to early American colonists by Cherokee medicine men and women. It was used in many cancer treatments by such successful physicians as John Pattison whose work is discussed in my book. Pattison began his career using bloodroot and changed to goldenseal because he regarded it as clinically superior. My own experience is that it is less painful and more precise than bloodroot but considerably slower in action.

It is in several of my own formulas: Indigo Drops and Golden Myrrical as well as the base ointment for an enucleating paste (which is only available to practitioners, not because it is dangerous, but because knowledge of the correct use of this product is important so as not to have unrealistic expectations.)   Start planting now! Tyler, age three, began helping plant and harvest two years ago. He is shown holding goldenseal and bloodroot.



Seeds and starters can be obtained from:

Horizon Herbs
P.O. Box 69
Williams, Oregon 97544



For others who want to grow this herb, read this book on Planting the Future, edited by Rosemary Gladstar.




Golden Myrrical: Ingrid's Goldenseal Ointment



Much of the material on this site is historic or ethnobotanical in origin. The information presented is not intended to replace the services of a qualified health care professional. All products discussed on this site are best used under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.

We encourage patients and their friends and family to avail themselves of the information found on the Internet and to share their discoveries with their primary care practitioners. If there are questions about the suitability of a product or strategy, please have your practitioner contact the web hostess.

We are interested in feedback, clinical data, suggestions, and proposals for research and product development. While we naturally hope for the happiest outcome in all situations, the authors of this web site, webmaster, server, publishers, and Sacred Medicine Sanctuary are not responsible for the success, failure, side effects, or outcome of the use of any of the information or healing strategies described on this site.


Sacred Medicine Sanctuary
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2000, 2001, 2005


*The information provided at this site is for informational purposes only. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this page and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are not intended to replace professional medical care. You should always consult a health professional about specific health problems.