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Reviewer: Bruce Boatner from
San Diego, CA. December 6, 1999
When I heard of a woman who had pancreatic
cancer and who had been sent home to die, but had managed to
save herself with these salves (self-administered under the
guidance of a Naturopath), I was incredulous. I was told she
actually had the growths in jars and was always happy to share
her story with others who might benefit.
I made a point of meeting the woman and found
her the picture of health, running a vibrant business, working
harder than any of the men under her employ. She showed me
the jars containing some evil-looking growths. She showed me
an unusual scar where the cancer had exited her side. She told
me how much it had hurt and how hard it was to kick the morphine
they had her on in the hospital. And she told me of other "terminals" who
had survived. I got to know this woman well and I trust her
implicitly. When I got the book "Cancer Salves" and
showed it to her, she was ecstatic. Somebody had finally gotten
it in print! How brave! The value of the internet is that you
have access to information that would otherwise be banned.
With the bad (pornography, etc.) comes the good - voices long
silenced by the heavy hand of institutional authority - facts
about effective cancer cures that have saved many lives. Search
the web for the life history of Royal Raymond Rife. Get the
video "Hoxsey - The Quack(?) Who Cured Cancer" (Also
renamed "Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime").
Make up your own mind, however
incredible it all may sound at first. And get this book while
you still can! Many less-threatening items have been banned
by the AMA/FDA. If one out of every four people in America
will get cancer, this may save you or someone you love. Knowledge
is power.