When this site was first launched in the
summer of 1997, there were no products, just information.
The site started with 13 short informational pages
in response to inquiries from persons, usually referred from
Dr. Andrew Weil's site where there was a link to my personal
e-mail. Unlike Dr. Weil, I am a one person everything and
was totally unprepared for the deluge that ensued.
The inquiries then pertained mostly to bloodroot,
an endangered species plant that was being overharvested
by people who did not even know which part of the plant to
use much less whether to use it internally or externally.
I sympathized with patients, their frustrations and dilemmas,
but I am also a passionate environmentalist so I grieved
for bloodroot and
tried to find my own position in relationship to the cancer
With cancer, there is always a flavor of
the month. The best way to understand this is to look at
the cancer clinics and hospitals in Tijuana. Each is built
around the treatments that became so popular that the forces
that be decided to eliminate the competition they posed to
what Europeans call "school medicine." Hoxsey's
work was moved to Tijuana forty-plus years ago, but laetrile,
the Gerson diet, Ukrain, hyperbaric oxygen, etc., etc. all
eventually also found their way across the border where the
pilgrimages for cure continue.
Due to upheaval in my own life and some
decisions with the web that cost me dearly, I have spent
the last months trying to figure out where I belong in this
turbulent world. I am still, as I have always been, sensitive
to patients, their questions, concerns, and need for reliable
information and help. However, I am also realistic in knowing
that almost all patients are insufficiently prepared to manage
the challenge of directing their own treatment, and I cannot
fill the gaps via email and web articles.
I developed an herbal
product line based on the research that went into the bookand
though I am not a medical doctor, I am a quite competent
herbalist. Patients are understandably wary of something
that does not have the support of either their doctors
or the approval FDA. However, there is nothing really that
any herbalist can do to shift this. Modern medicine and
pharmacology are huge industries whereas the truth is that
the best herbs are usually like the best food: what grows
right in one's own garden without chemical fertilizers
and pesticides or elaborate adulteration.
All I can do is provide information, and
this generally has to be in some historic context: "traditionally,
this herb is used to treat . . ." More than this is
not really permitted. . . and I personally am often between
a rock and hard place because even if there were more latitude
for expressing what I believe I know, individuals have to
arrive at their own decisions, and I prefer to remain largely
a source of information. . . and, on a small scale, to provide
such products as
are available to people who are able to use the formulas
God bless and be well!