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| Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 10:34 pm: | |
Hi, I need some information and help I have melanoma cancer. I removed the spot 5 years ago with a black cancer salve. I used it 5 times to remove all the dark spot. I also did a lot of other things to keep my immune system up. I took a product (Vitae Elixxer) that was supposed to stop any type of cancer, the drops are purple and very bitter and cause extreme nausea if not taken with some food. It was also very expensive. Has anyone else had any experience with this product? Do you know if it is a valid treatment? The cancer has come back on the same spot this past August. It came back after getting a fire ant bite in south Florida that turned into symptoms of lymes. I am also fighting that now. I have put the black salve on three times again, but don't feel the cancer is gone because of the pain and redness on that area. I also took the black salve by mouth for about 60 days. I am now experiencing a very hot burning feeling, starting in the groin and moving upward into the torso and under the chest area. Do these symptoms sound like anything anyone out there has experienced? Or does anyone have any further suggestions? Please answer as soon as possible. Sincerely, Trish |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 10:35 pm: | |
I am sorry you had this experience. There are truly a large number of products similar to those described in my book. Unfortunately, many of the formulae are regarded as proprietary by those who make them because the recipes were handed down, usually on the death-bed, of a family member. The truth is that most of the formulae are actually quite similar, traditional, and not at all mysterious except to those who make them. The manufacturers are generally well-intentioned amateurs who do not understand the ingredients of their products well enough to provide proper instructions for use. Most of the salves contain zinc chloride, a very caustic chemical that acts more or less like a drain cleaner. In my opinion, regardless of what the producers say, zinc chloride should never be taken internally, even in small amounts. It is quite antiseptic and gives the pastes and elixirs a long shelf life, but zinc chloride is painfully caustic. It has a pH of 1.7 or 1.8, very acidic. Though manufacturers often claim that the painful side effects of their products are clear indication of malignancy or infection, there is really very little basis for this claim. In fact, some of the products are so aggressive that they will react with almost any tissue. I have seen products labeled with bizarre euphemisms: "mineral salts" as if someone were purchasing a trace mineral supplement in addition to a cancer paste or elixir—when the reference was really to zinc chloride, a chemical many do not want to admit is in their products. Personally, I believe some of the products are good and that they are capable, in the right hands, of doing the job for which they are sold. However, most come with faulty instructions and ludicrous testimonials. I feel patients have every right to demand information as to the exact ingredients in the products they buy. Ideally, they would also have access to some records testifying that the claims made for the success of the product are genuine. As for the purple elixir, it is probably due to the gentian. I know of one product that fits your description: very expensive and extremely nauseating. I don't actually know whether or not it cures cancer, but it contains good herbs even if the price is a bit steep. Most likely there are comparable products at a more reasonable price that are less nauseating. There is a lot more to your question. Did you really treat the cancer? Has it recurred? What does the pain mean? In your situation, I might consider a simple blood test, the AMAS, to see if you have cancer. It is possible that there is a malignancy, but it is also possible that you have an irritation due to the ant bites. Again, it's merely my opinion, but I do not think the black salve is the ideal product to use on bites. Bites are usually acidic because the insect injects some of its own gastric juices into the victim. Using an acidic compound on the bite does not make sense to me. I would much rather use an alkaloidal preparation, either a drawing salve or antiseptic poultice. This might be a reasonable measure even at this stage. It would probably have the effect of making the entire area a bit quieter. I also think that anyone at all considering use of the escharotics should read my book before applying the paste As for the internal tonic and the internal use of the black salve, I would reconsider this in light of what I have just said. If the elixir does not have zinc chloride, it may be a good product, but there are alternatives. Please keep us informed as to your progress and if others have comments, please send them. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 10:35 pm: | |
I spoke with Lorraine Rosenthal who suggested I contact you although I'm not sure why or if you have any suggestions for my situation. I was diagnosed with melanoma 2 1/2 years ago (a small red bump on my right cheek). I chose not to have the wide excision surgery that was recommended. Instead I went on a diligent diet of fresh juices and mainly raw foods diet (Ann Wigmore & wheatgrass, etc.) then added in some cooked foods as per Dr. Max Gerson. I experienced cleansing reactions and after 9 months I felt fine and then went back to work and saw a slight, slow regrowth of the little bump over the next 6 months. Then a year ago I heard of a black salve based on the formulae of Harry Hoxsey and used it twice. The first time I put it only on the bump (about 1/4 " diameter and it came off in 3 weeks and filled in ok. Then I thought I felt a small bump begin to grow again so a month later I again put the black salve on my cheek but this time I put it all over my cheek, a 3" square area. The info said nothing would happen if there was no cancer, and I wanted to make sure I got it all. Nothing cautioned me as to the aggressiveness of the product, and I wish I had seen your website before I put it on. Aside from severe pain, my face swelled up, my eye swelled shut and my cheek area drained around the edges of the eschar (bloody) for several weeks. Then the huge tortoiseshell-like scab fell off and then rescabbed for two months, I am left with extensive scarring on my face. Needless to say, I am devastated. I put the salve on last May, the final scabs came off in August and since September I am being followed by a local burn center which is treating it as chemical burn. I wear a pressure bandage at home and a silon bandage that I cover with flesh makeup when I go out. I have become a recluse to a degree although I continue to work because I have to. I have had days of deep depression. While I think the melanoma is gone, I have been told that the scar tissue makes it difficult, if not impossible to do a biopsy. Then I have been told to get a puncture biopsy. I have not done this and don't want to, although if I were to get any plastic surgery, they would insist on having a biopsy first. I didn't want interference from the conventional medical community and now I am dealing with them for help with the "burn". I am angry—at myself— for doing this to myself, with the conventional medical community for not including escharotics as part of a treatment plan so that I could have had someone overseeing and guiding me in the use of the salve, and at the distributors for not offering explicit information and warning about the potency of the product. I am not the only one who has misread the instructions. I know at least three other people who have also experienced scars on their face from using this product and they are also distraught and feel the instructions were not clear. When I called the folks who ship it—before I used it—they never said don't put it on a big area. When I called them and told them that I had put it on my whole cheek, they said I shouldn't have done that. The product is said to be produced in the Bahamas (according to the website), but is provided by a location in the States. The photos on the website show large areas of the body being covered with the paste and so we all incorrectly put on too much!! Even after I called with my mishap last May, they never changed their product information, and I just spoke with someone who used it only last month and was also misguided!! When he called them for advice, they acted like he was the first person to have put it on too big an area on his face. Anyway that's my story. If you know of any help to alleviate the scar tissue, that would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to have plastic surgery and I don't even know if that can help me! I continue to follow a healthy diet and have an appointment to see an herbalist. Someone just told me about live cell therapy in Mexico and I may look into it. I feel great but look awful. There are days that I wish I had my little bump back. Lorraine thought I should contact you so here I am. Best regards, Janis |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 10:36 pm: | |
This is a sad story, but I do doubt that you wish you had your bump back. The big question is how you should have had it removed and what you can do now. First off, there are theories that cancer is a systemic illness. If it were not so, there would not be any effective ways of detecting it via blood analysis and such. According to some, the appearance of cancer on the skin is merely an indication that the "fruit is ripening." In other words, there is morbidity and the warning on the surface ought to be taken as a serious indication. Therefore, the local treatment is just that: a local treatment. It is only as good as it is deep and thorough. However, wide margins, whether for surgical excision or escharotics, is a little extreme. Ideally, one should treat the appearance as well as the cause. So, modest use of the escharotic or a much milder enucleating paste in conjunction with internal treatment is reasonable—provided the product is good and the instructions are valid. Hoxsey did just this for melanomas: he supplied the internal tonic for several months, usually five, and only after the blood was detoxified was the escharotic paste used—unless, of course, the situation was immediately life-threatening. There are many scar treatment ointments. However, once a scar has formed, the tissue is, as you were told in the context of further biopsies, difficult to penetrate so usually quite a bit of time is required to remove scars. Nevertheless, one does not want to wear a mask so perseverance with a scar removal product or protocol, even years after the formation of the scar, is a good idea. I have successfully treated scars that are more than fifty years old. I use turmeric. The simplest thing would be to mix some turmeric in a good quality oil, like apricot kernel oil. The oil helps the penetration. It will be runny and messy (and it will stain), but the fuss is worth it. If the consistency is really bothersome, you can warm the turmeric and oil and add a tiny bit of beeswax to stiffen the preparation. If this is too complicated, you can buy a ready-made product. I make one and highly recommend that it be used following any cancer treatment, whether surgical or escharotic. I add goldenseal powder to the ointment to make it more detoxifying and wider in action. There are stages to scar removal. Initially, the line recedes but the tissue underneath is usually dense. After a long time, that tissue softens, acquires a normal texture, and circulation is also normal. I feel that the amount of scarring is often more related to the morbidity of the tissue at the site than the escharotic. It is basically true that the escharotic does not burn healthy tissue, but there are some products that may be too aggressive |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 - 10:36 pm: | |
Since first writing this, I have begun teaching courses to health care practitioners. Many described an acupuncture technique using very thin, long needles that are threaded through the scar. They say this breaks up the scar tissues faster than ointments. I have not observed the procedure but pass it on for those who might want to check into it. Also, I have had occasion to study the photographs that Janis sent as well as those provided by another person who successfully treated herself for breats cancer using a very simple black salve method, similar to that recommended by the producers of the salve. In both cases, the scarring did not relate to the actual placement of the salve, suggesting that the reaction was to an underlying morbidity rather than the chemical nature of the product used. Janis asked me not to publish her pictures, but I posted the breast cancer pictures for others to see. After thinking about this, for several years now, I cannot urge people strongly enough to evaluate the deeper internal issues supporting the cancer as well as the tumorous mass itself. I also agree with Hoxsey that it is wise to detoxify the site before using an escharotic. Among other things, taking the extra time will help define the treatment site better. One more caution is worth mentioning: in the effort to remove scar tissue, be sure not to use products that might encourage growth, just in case there is malignancy trapped in the scar tissue. I might add that it is equally important not to promote regeneration of tissue before any cancerous site is entirely cancer-free, this regardless of the method of removal used because, theoretically at least, there is a risk of increasing the activity of the cancer as well as the repair of damaged tissue. As can be seen, I am conservative in my approach, preferring to take a long time and err on the safe side rather than rushing to get the job done. I wish you the best of luck and a speedy return to normal life. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 08:25 pm: | |
I discovered because of a biopsy that I had a small 1cm malanoma on my temple. It was .55cm deep. They removed all the melanoma doing a narrow football shaped incision, but now they want to do a wide excision now that they know it is melanoma. The surgery was about 10 days ago, and so I have a scar forming about 2 inches long. I am now researching this topical salve, and I am wondering if I put it on the suture area, is it too late for it to pull out any remaining cells, or should I go through with the second wide excision procedure? Also, is it your feeling that the product would not work then on areas where they have already done a biopsy, if perhaps you applied it right next to the scar tissue? |
| Posted on Thursday, September 27, 2001 - 08:39 pm: | |
Basically, you should read the book before doing anything, but the short answer is that a milder product, perhaps a simple ointment that is non-scarring with 1-5% bloodroot paste, would probably address residual. If you have a reaction, it would probably indicate that the surgery did not achieve its ends completely, ergo the recommendation for a second procedure. It is then your choice as to how to proceed with your need for total certainty. Some softer approach is certainly worth considering. |
| Posted on Monday, March 11, 2002 - 11:16 pm: | |
I successfully self-treated an early stage melanoma on my temple with an escharotic salve in 1995. I have no recognizable scarring. There has been no reoccurance. I interviewed three experienced users of the same product before proceeding. The product came with explicit instructions which I followed precisely. I was in telephone contact with someone associated with the company so I had good technical support Simultaneously, I underwent an thorough nutritional status assessment and got on a designer nutrition supplement program. So, you see, I took care of business internally as well as externally. I have since functioned as a health educator and made it possible for others to use this product. ALL have succeeded to the best of my knowledge. If someone wants to consult with me I am willing. Perhaps Ms. Naimin will forward your email or post to me. |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2002 - 10:55 am: | |
Marcus, I had a melanoma and have made some diet changes. I would very much like to speak with you on the subjects of nutrition and the salves. How can I contact you. Thanks, Jimmy |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 - 03:40 pm: | |
Ingrid, Would you please forward my email to Marcus. I've been searching for this type of consulting for some time and would really like to share with him my experiences and listen to his. Thank you, Jimmy |
| Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 08:36 pm: | |
Jimmy and Marcus, I will happily facilitate a contact between the two of you, but I don't have your emails. That information is intentionally blocked so even if you provided the email when posting, the information is not stored anywhere as we suppress all trails that could potentially violate anyone's privacy. So if you two both want to connect, both of you send me emails to that effect. Deal? |
| Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 07:38 am: | |
Ingrid, Good deal!! When I click on your name to get your email address the following message appears "The email address and profile for the individual posting this message is not available". How can we obtain your email address?? Thanks, Jimmy |
| Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 07:15 pm: | |
Jimmy, I think some people who visit the bulletin board do not realize that it is part of which has a link on every page called e-mail. There is a page called contactus: It is a failsafe way to send emails! Ingrid |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 09:52 am: | |
Ingrid, I went to the site you suggested and filled in the appropriate information. I tried sending this to you using both Netscape and Microsoft Explorer browsers. In both cases, the "Submit" icon did not work. I think this tool is malfunctioning. I tried to send you a hardcopy of the info via the following fax number -- 360-779-9677. Unfortunately, the phone just rang, there was never a connection made. I'm trying to get the information to you with little success. Any other suggestions. Thanks, Jimmy |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 03:18 pm: | |
The fax is a dedicated fax line. I will check into the submit icon. |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 07:40 pm: | |
The form on contactus apparently became corrupted on March 3rd. It is working again now. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 08:11 am: | |
It worked!! Or at least I think it did. Would you please let me know that you received the required information in order to pass on to Marcus. Thank you so much! Jimmy |
| Posted on Saturday, April 20, 2002 - 04:07 pm: | |
I have a five year old son. He was born with a mole in his groin area. It is slightly raised and I have been concerned that it could turn into melanoma. My husband has had a few moles removed from his back, and the biopsies have been okay, but his father was diagnosed with a melanoma ten years ago, so I worry that this could be hereditary. I have been to two doctors. The first did a biopsy of part of the mole. It came back as a clonal melanocyte. The second doctor said it did have a slightly greater risk of turning into a melanoma because it also has hair growing from it. Both doctors said that it should probably be removed when he is about 8 years old, because they feel that it might traumatize him because he is still young.I am very worried that if I wait that long that it will turn into a melanoma. I have been reading some information on bloodroot and some other herbs, and I am wondering if something like this would work. Do you have any suggestions? Terri |
| Posted on Saturday, April 20, 2002 - 08:31 pm: | |
What does your son say? I think that even at five, he could participate in this decision. He has been through the biopsy and must therefore realize that the total removal would be a somewhat larger undertaking. I think that you can consider using prophylactic tonics. That is, given that your son's grandfather developed a melanoma and that his father has taken the precaution of removing the moles, your son could take internal herbs with the same idea in mind. Then, if he ever wants to remove the moles, using an escharotic or surgical procedure, he can do so. In my view, one certainly not accepted by everyone, the mole is the symptom, not the cause, so you need to look beneath the surface and address the possible predisposition to melanoma rather than the moles. Just another perspective to add to your effort to troubleshoot this. |
| Posted on Saturday, May 11, 2002 - 10:16 pm: | |
Dear Ingrid, What kind of internal herbs would you reccomend for a four year old to take? And how long would you suggest he take them before having the mole removed? P.S. Thank you for your previous advice. Terri |
| Posted on Saturday, May 11, 2002 - 11:55 pm: | |
I don't know. Some moles appear to be viral and these respond well to immune enhancing herbs, but many moles do not respond at all. The same is true of the external products: they work on some conditions and not on others. I have always felt that the greater successes were with the viral ones. It might be worth having a blood test to determine the state of immunity and try to use this information to develop a strategy. Darkfield is my preference but there are many options out there. I wish I could be more helpful, but it isn't possible to suggest without specific information. This said, you have decided to give this some time so looking for the deeper cause would appear to be worthwhile. |
| Posted on Monday, June 24, 2002 - 02:32 pm: | |
Dear Ingrid, Where do i begin, I have a 14 year old son named Drew that was diangosed with stage 4 Melanoma in Oct of 99. He is a St. Judes patient and has had 4 surguries, Has had every protocol for Melanoma that is offer ( Interferon for 1 yr. relapsed right lung, then had High dose interlukin with other chemo called Mel-3 protocol stopped it for 3 months then came back agressivilly both lungs found phase 3 trail cancervac started that for 5 months and no response now we our on a phase 2 trail that includes Temodar and Thalomid taken by mouth once a day. Before we started this treatment he had fluid in both lungs and has had to have proseggers done to remove the fluid right lung 500 ozs. since he has been on the treatment the tumors have stablized and has had no more fluid build up. Through the years I have given Drew Essiac on and off. I have read about bloodroot in combination with the tea. As you can read I have gone and done what ever there has been available for Drew. Drew has been a miracle and I know we our fighting a difficult fight, and I know with what has happen in the past and the ralapses we dont' have much more time. My question is what do you recommend and how can I start admindsrating it to Drew at home. My email address is if you could give me any advise or treatment. Sincerely, Margarett |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 08:05 pm: | |
Oh, gosh, Margarett, this is really painful for both of you. No one knows enough about what happens when you combine protocols, especially herbal and chemotherapeutic ones. I understand you are asking for my honest opinion and that you are desperate. This opinion is, however, awfully difficult to give, but I feel that finding out what is contributing to the disease is going to provide the best clue to what you might be able to do to reverse it. I don't know where you live or what is available to you, but you might want to consult someone specializing in natural treatments, perhaps one of the clinics in Mexico. I would suggest you begin by asking the doctor who has administered the chemotherapy whether he believes this is going to save Drew's life. If he does not give you the answer you pray to hear, then you might ask him if he has any objection to your trying a totally different approach. I am saying this in this way because you have probably already found out that parental rights are limited when a child develops cancer. God bless, |
| Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2002 - 06:33 pm: | |
My father has stage IV melanoma. After a failed attempt using interferon for 6 weeks, he is having surgery this week to remove a tumor in his esophagus. He also has it in his liver and kidneys which has grown in the last 6 weeks. My question is if you advise using Tian Xian herbal treatment along with whatever treatment his doctor is doing. He hasn't had any chemo of radiation as of yet. Also, what about the Hoxsey treatment? Is this worth pursuing. Thank you for any advice you can offer. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 02:53 am: | |
Sherry, I don't really know anything about Tian Xian so I cannot comment. This said, many herbs and herbal formulas have been found effective in the treatment of melanoma. You have to see where your father's interests are and what his comfort level is with the many options offered. Good luck and God bless! |
| Posted on Sunday, October 13, 2002 - 06:02 pm: | |
A friend of mine with cancer spots on his face has had them frozen and cut off, but they come back. He was told about Indian Mud by someone, and how it cleared up their problem. I told him I would check the internet and came to this site. Where do you get this? |
| Posted on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 03:11 am: | |
Ingrid, Back in February I noticed the formation of a hard lump inside my lip. My mother gave me a salve (and recipe) which contains bloodroot, galingal powder, and zinc chloride. I put the salve on the affected area and after 24 hours a white scab formed. Anyway, to make a long story short, I am concerned that I didn't get all of the cancer. I do not trust modern medicine as much as most people do but I feel that I need to go and be tested. Will a simple bloodtest tell me whether I have cancer? Also, being that a deep white scab formed on the area that I applied the topical, does that indicate that it was cancerous? Once a person uses your products how can they be sure the product worked? Do you HAVE to go to a doctor and have it confirmed by their tests or is there another way? Thank you. |
| Posted on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 11:54 am: | |
My father is in the last stages of metastatic melanoma and is undergoing chemo with an experimental drug called genasense or G3139. Does anyone know anything about the statistics on this treatment? |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 03:34 pm: | |
Gerrie, The sources page of this site has some links to bloodroot salve producers. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 03:43 pm: | |
Elder Wolf, I hear you. There are some tests involving small samples of blood that can be performed by medical doctors. Most of the tests have more than one opinion as to the reliability. There are some more esoteric tests involving darkfield examinations of the blood where the presence of certain features would be suggestive of cancer (or the absence would be regarded as a sign of low risk) but these are not as absolute as a biopsy would be. There are thermographic tests, probably fairly reliable but more difficult to locate. They are not invasive. Some people claim to be able to determine a great deal by the urine or just the behavior and appearance of blood when you accidentally cut yourself. While personally, I would probably be satisfied with the opinion of a shaman or psychic and therefore inclined to forego conventional tests, I feel I need to say that this is a very serious personal choice with major ramifications. You are concerned that you perhaps did not get it all. This is what you are saying. Therefore, you must listen to yourself and act with the guidance you are given. This said, I would like to encourage others who are in this situation to work carefully with the suggestions in my book so that scar tissue does not form in a way to inhibit the effectiveness of the bloodroot pastes when they are reapplied after a lapse of time. Good luck and please stay in touch. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 - 03:45 pm: | |
Sherry, Sorry about your father, but this bulletin board is probably not going to prove to be a useful place for your question. May I suggest contacting Ralph Moss? Do a web search. |
| Posted on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 07:09 pm: | |
I have a verry good friend wich in november last year was diagnosticate with metestatic malignant melanoma grade Breslow 4,Clark 5.He made treatment with Interferon(intron A),Chapparal,radiotherapy but the last tomographie analyse discovered cerebral and lung metastaze.In that situation can bloodroot give us a hope.We are verry far- in Romania- but we have friends in U.S.A.How we can have your bloodroot paste or other natural salves wich can give more hope in that fight.Please escuse my english and thank you verry much. |
| Posted on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 11:30 pm: | |
I have Clark level 4 malignant melanoma, desmoplastic,invasive, type, non ulcerated. It is 1.3mm think and about the size of the end of a pencil eraser, on my upper arm. The medical doctors wanted to do surgery,cut a large part, 5" in a diameter circle out, cut down 2mm into my arm, followed by a skin grafting and lymph node removal. This seemed very invasive, and for now have opted not to do it.. I have instead gone to a doctor that has looked at my blood thru black field microscope, which confirmed the presence of the cancer. I am taking supplements, doing lots of green drinks, loaded w/minerals and am eating a 90% raw diet. I have opted to put Indian Clay on the melanoma site...they also have a milder form that you can take internally, I am taking only 4 drops per day internally. I have gotten a colonic, been Rolfed and had my energy field balanced. What else can I do? What are the chances that the Indian Mud will pull ALL of it out? I'm on my 5th day of treatment. I have read all the stories on this site, have read a lot about blood root, etc. If anyone else has had succes stories or input, please email me at Sandra |
| Posted on Sunday, July 27, 2003 - 11:38 am: | |
Cezar and Sandra, Basically, the bloodroot paste will resolve most melanomas when used properly. It may take quite a long time. The method used by many of the experts in the past involved seriously internal measures, which Sandra seems to be undertaking. In particular, they used blood cleansing and bowel stimulating tonics, similar to my Sundance Elixir but with more potassium iodide. Hoxsey often used this for five months before starting the external treatments. I believe that this is preferable when it is deemed safe to postpone the external treatment . . . basically for the reasons suggested by the tests you have already done. If there is evidence that the condition is systemic, then you need a systemic response rather than a topical one. If you begin the topical treatment at the same time as the systemic approaches, you will probably have a larger and longer treatment. At the end, you will be in the same place, but you will have had more pain by using the topical treatment as the primary rather than secondary strategy. Personally, I am curious about how the darkfield blood test could be so specific. I don't think it generally is this conclusive. It should, by the way, be possible to send herbs to Romania. There is also a hospital in Budapest using these methods. That's the closest I can think of at the moment. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2003 - 10:16 pm: | |
I too have begun using the purple product (Vitae Elixxer). I began topically and internally application during mid-Sept., 2003. My growth was 1/4 inch dia. (round, raised & clear) on my neck beneath my ear. Topical application resulted in a crusting of the area which grew. Itching became extremely difficult to deal with. After two weeks my ear began to hurt. Occasionally, due to the location, the crusted surface cracks and a thick white liquid spills out. I am following the directions for cleaning and have addressed my diet as instructed. Now, one month later, the crusting is larger than a quarter and I can feel a hardness under the skin, a bit larger than the crust. When I called the company for assistance, it was said that the cancer was large. It was suggested that I discontinue topical application for several days. For the last five days the pain has become so extreme, I had to begin taking motrin and tylenol at 2-3 hour intervals. I have also been applying heat to the surrounding areas for relief. I'm not sure if I should begin topical again and wondered if I should assist the growth in draining to relieve pressure? Do you have any thoughts or suggestions? |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 - 02:10 am: | |
My Father in law has just been giving the bad news of being diagonosed with a malignant malanoma level 3. Since the growth was discovered on his head The cancer has possibly gone past his shoulders...we are not sure yet. Waiting to find out. My question to you is, he has no insurance to pay for the procedure. What are his options besides liquadating all his assets which is not much? |
| Posted on Friday, April 09, 2004 - 01:09 am: | |
JC, I don't think the financial questions can be addressed here, but the melanoma can obviously be treated in any of a number of different ways depending on your father-in-law's choice. I might suggest exploring options as quickly as possible and implementing a program in which he feels confident. It's the best advice I can offer under the circumstances. |
| Posted on Friday, April 23, 2004 - 12:23 pm: | |
I have used the salve on two malanoma spots on the bridge of my nose. In about 6 weeks a large half inch by 2 inch black scab fell off. It took a small piece of bone with it. I have an opening on the bridge of my nose that shows my nostrils and part of the bone. The opening is about nickel size. I am using golden salve on the open area and area above that which is scarring. Will the area that is open with no bone and bone showing close with the golden slave? |
barry verbin
| Posted on Monday, April 26, 2004 - 10:51 pm: | |
i have a young friend with stage 4 melanoma. he has gone thru the interferon treatments and now they found another lump on his chest. the biopsy proved to be malignate. they say its now in this blood.. any suggestion as to the next direction he can take to help him. anything would be appreciated. tnx barry-alberta canada |
| Posted on Friday, April 30, 2004 - 12:43 pm: | |
First, Jacque! The nose does not have bone, rather cartilage. I would use the German Kermesberro at this stage. Most people have healed up well, but it's important to understand that slow healing or poor healing is usually due to systemic issues, such as blood toxicity and/or lack of proper nutrients in the blood. This treatment should always be combined with proper internal measures. Good luck. |
| Posted on Friday, April 30, 2004 - 12:44 pm: | |
Now, Barry, Please contact me privately for a referral to someone in your area. |
| Posted on Monday, June 28, 2004 - 05:09 pm: | |
Diagnose: 2 years ago diagnosis:: basilioma of the ear, treatment by the creotherapy(cold). After two years: Reoccurrence of the tumor in the lymph nodes of the neck. Diagnose: Metastasis of the ear melanoma into neck lymph nodes. Excursions of the second tumor, thickness of the extracted tumor 1.5 cm(less then 1 inch), no information about how deep was it. Because of the diagnosis of the first tumor as a basilioma with the following creotherapy, no data available about TNM classification, Clark level or Breslow thickness of the primary tumor. No staging classification done, because of all the above. Doctors are not 100% sure about the primary tumor location, they assume - ear, but are not giving any additional tests. Is that correct? Is it possible that primary tumor is still there even after creotherapy, although the doctor said, after only VISUALLY examining the patience that there is nothing on the ear? 1. What test can be done to verify that the is no trace of cancer on the ear? 2. Does immunotherapy alone, is better then immunotherapy with chemotherapy combined? All answers are welcome, doctors are not explaining or suggesting anything. Thank you. Anna
| Posted on Friday, July 02, 2004 - 09:36 pm: | |
Anna, I don't know the answers to your questions. Obviously, however, it is possible that the origin of the cancer is unknown. It is also possible that--despite the best efforts of the surgeon--they missed some of the malignancy. You might consider a second opinion, perhaps from someone trained in Mohs microsurgery. Good luck, Ingrid |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 - 04:11 pm: | |
My 13 year old daughter has a birthmark that is changing size and color i have taken her to a M D whom wanted to refer her to a dermatologist for a biopsy, i have not made an appointment yet.(I dont have medical insurance and it would honestly be a last resort.) i have however taken her to a herbal professional. whom prescribed a black gel (water based) supposed to apply 3 times a day,which i am doing. (not impressed)i got your book yesterday Thank you for sending it so timely!!!I will be taking it to herbalist tomorrow!!! i have read it and find the making it a salve, a little scary, some have measuring of heat involved i dont want to mess it up!!!and also wonder if i were to make one which one ??? another thing is i live in alaska getting herbs will be challenging and expensive would you recommend either an easy one or a commercial brand?? or a good place to order herbs on the net>??you could email me privatly if you would likethank you in advance! |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 03:55 pm: | |
I have been diagnosed with a Clark Level IV, Breslow 1.6 mm melanoma on my right center abdomen. I cancelled my oncologist surgery appointment today (12/20) and have decided to use black salve therapy. Where is the best place to find black salve, and where can I find the most thorough "how-to" instructions to guide me through the days/weeks/months forward for treating it? Also, where can I find any statistical/testimonial/research to further credentialize the use of black salve? Please feel free to email me, inasmuch as I wish to start treatment this week. Thank you for your good work. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 05:08 pm: | |
I bought and applied bloodroot salve (for non-malignant moles) to a large mole on my back. I have had this mole checked by a melenoma specialist and I was told it was o.k. I checked the booklet I recieved with the products to find out ingredients of paste and I find there are none listed. I was concerned as I have applied salve for almost one week and am experiencing pain and redness around the mole. I wanted to check to see if there was any zinc chloride in it which may be causing the redness etc,. I am concerned as I did not think I would get this reaction. Has anyone else done the same and if so could you please post reactions if any. |
Lorraine Salerno
| Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 06:17 pm: | |
My husband had a large melanoma removed surgically 27 years ago. He recently found a lump under his left arm pit about the size of a golf ball. He had it removed surgically. It was bioposied after expraction and found to be malignant. One week after the surgery he had a pet/ct scan and the Radiologist says: There is a large intense area of hypermeetabolic activity involving the left axillary region corresponding to a 2.8 x 2.4 cm rounded mass representing the known metastatic malignant melanoma. Does this mean there may be another tumor close to the removed lymph node? They also found another area of hypermetabolic activity indentified within the posterior lateral soft tissues of the right mid leg adjacent to the vastus lateralis, suspicious for the additional site of malignant melanoma. Should he have another pet/ct scan done for the left axillary region? thank you, Lorraine |
| Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 09:07 pm: | |
Trish, It is important that you confirm that you have melanoma and what stage it is in. One good way to do this is to have a PET Scan performed, checking for metastatic involvement with lymph nodes and internal organs. If you are into alternative treatments, investigate German Cancer Therapies and or review details of active and inactive clinical trials at If your skin cancer was melanoma and grew vertically through the dermis layer, chances are the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes and may also need to be considered in treatment. You should first have the most accurate assessment of the unseen cancer and to what degree it is spreading. Knowing this may create priorities in treatment types that you can consider. I personally like the idea of building up the immune system and monitoring results via testing such as a PET Scan. But you can only do this if you have the luxury of time in deciding upon a treatment type for the internal cancer. Good luck DatabaseDr - not a medical professional